Monday, February 25, 2008

Get a New Baby...

At church yesterday I ran into Amber (formerly Decker) and her husband and three kids (the baby is still tiny!), and we stood and talked until my boys got bored and began playing hide and seek in classrooms. When we were all saying good-bye, Jonathan said bye-bye to the baby, then ran off to keep hiding (he didn't really want to go home to the inevitable nap). Mark and I "searched" the classroom for him, and then in very loud, very disappointed voices announced to the "empty" room that we couldn't find our baby. "How sad!" I said, "Oh well, Daddy, that nursery had lots of babies, I guess we'll have to go get a new baby!" Mark agreed and we started to leave the classroom. Out of the bottom shelf of an open cabinet rushed Jonathan, all smiles and talking a mile a minute, "I found me! I found me! Go get a new baby Mommy! Go get baby now." When I asked him if he wanted a new baby he said, "Huh, (short for uh-huh) go get baby now." I asked what we would do with another baby, but by this time his cute dialogue had exhausted itself and we had moved onto a tired tantrum about running out the door without holding Daddy's hand.

It makes me wonder how he would really react to a baby if we had another. This is the first time he has said anything like this, and it makes me wonder if he was just teasing in the spirit Mark and I were. The last time he had to be around an infant it was Brandon and Elisha's 4 month old in a bouncy chair and Jonathan walked past baby Tanner (by the way, the picture with Jonathan's is "scary" baby Tanner) as if he was a poisonous snake that might strike if he got too close. It was almost funny to watch him carefully sidestep past the nearly immobile baby's reaching hand, with a nervous look of concern and concentration on his face! Anytime a smaller "baby" tries to play with him, Jonathan acts horrified and tries to cringe away. He has even cried on occasion when a baby has crawled up to him to take or investigate a toy. At least he never hits, pushes, or tries to hurt the baby; he just seems REALLY uncomfortable. Maybe I shouldn't think it's so funny, but I do!

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