Wednesday, February 20, 2008

3-8-9 and Embarassing Things Jonathan Says

Yesterday afternoon was nice enough to play outside, even for Jonathan who keeps getting sick and me who can't seem to get well. Jonathan loved just running around saying, "So fast! Mommy look, so fast!" To which I say, "Wow you are so fast!"

He wants to throw Buddy's toys for him, but the puppy only wants to play with Mark or me. Even if Jonathan throws them (and he can throw pretty well) the dog brings them back to me. This always results in the inevitable "race for the toy" an event that has both boy and puppy fighting to fetch a ball or stick, and even though the puppy is small, he almost always wins and Jonathan ends up knocked to the ground if he manages to get the toy first.

We played hide and seek, with help from aunt Kim. Jonathan's version of hiding is still just putting up his hood, turning his back on me and covering his face with his hands, but it's helping him learn to count. After we played for a while, we came inside and he lined up all his toy cars on the coffee table and counted: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, K, P, T, 3, 8, 9 Then said excitedly, "Look Mommy 3,8,9, cars, I count 3,8,9, cars!" He did this for nearly an hour, we counted up to 4 once before he started to add in letters and mix up numbers, and he seems to completely understand 1 and 1, 2. He also picked up his toys last night, I was so impressed!

Jonathan repeats words so well now it's surprising. He came to get me to watch Sesame Street because "Bert-Ernie sing a song, com'on Mommy, Amazing!" And he just kept repeating "Amazing!" (which had been the word he picked up from the previous sketch). Sometimes his vocabulary is embarassing though. He really doesn't like his diaper changed, but is not interested in potty training yet, so he throws big fits when we change him. That's pretty normal, but add the vocab and you get a screaming 2-year old in a restraunt bathroom, yelling, "Don't hurt penis! Daddy no! No hurt my penis!" It's funny, but it sounds awful, and I just hope other people have had their kids say embarassing things, so they understand. Mark has gotten to the point where he really hates changing him in public bathrooms though.

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