Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do I NEED to Work?

I got my first healthcard (an old-fasioned thing you used to need to work around food) when I was 9 years old. I helped out around my grandparent's North Tulsa donut shops. You know how weird it is when High School students can't give the correct change? How even some college students get stumped when you give them $2.01 for a $1.76 purchase? I was doing it just fine at 9 years old, and some people were as astonished as if I were pulling white rabbits out of hats! (of course, I was homeschooled) Well, I worked at least part-time from then on. I cleaned houses, I babysat, I was pretty much the assistant manager of an ice cream store when I was 15, I worked with Vetrinary clinics, I cleaned stables, I lifeguarded for the city of Tulsa, and more, all before I got to college! In college I worked as many as three jobs at a time, and each summer I spent doing all kinds of internships. When I couldn't drive, I walked to work or got rides, and through it all I did well in school, was involved in sports, music, church, missions, and drama! After college I started looking for a career, but in the meantime I still worked and planned my wedding and taught a Sunday school class.
Now, after being the career-spouse for over 3 years, I had myself convinced that I wanted to be the stay-at-home parent for a while. I had visions of myself cleaning and remodeling the house, taking care of the yard, making dinners, and basically being the perfect house-wife and mom. Now, I'm wondering if I am just not meant to be a stay-at-home mom. I signed up to be a sub at Wright Christian Acadamy. I thought it would just be a way to get out of the house now and then and make a little extra money, plus it would look good on a resume to say I did work outside the house now and then during my stay-at-home mom time. I guess there have been a lot of people sick. The school has called me to sub about 3 days a week for the last few weeks, and the principle mentioned yesterday that they may offer me a part-time job teaching history, English, and maybe even Greek. So, I guess that would really cut short my "stay-at-home" mom time. It just makes me wonder, do I have some sort of weird need to work, can I not just not have a job?

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