Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Mark's Grandpa Brazel died this morning. He's been really sick for a long time, and I think we are all a little bit relieved that he has finally passed. I know it kind of sounds awful to say, but if you have ever watched someone you love wither away in pain for years you will understand what I mean.

When I was born (as one of the oldest grandchildren and great-grandchildren on both sides) I had both parents, all four grandparents (healthy too), all four great-grandmothers, a great-grandfather (one passed a few months before I was born), and a great-great-grandmother! When I was still pretty young I lost a pair of great-grandparents and my great-great grandmother, but the rest were active in my life until I was in High School, when I lost 2 great grandmothers. In the past few years I have lost a grandparent nearly every year, and Mark has too. I am so familiar with going to funerals, it's almost routine, I go to a funeral more often than I have doctor or dentist visits combined!

Jonathan has 2 parents, all 4 grandparents, 3 great-grandfathers, and 2 great-grandmothers and that's it. He's only 2, but in his short life he has lost 2 great-grandfathers, 2 great-grandmothers, and a great-great grandmother.

I know that a lot of kids don't have hardly any family, and we are really blessed, but it still makes me sad how many wonderful people my son won't get to meet, and grow up loving. Nanny, Jonathan's great-great grandmother died in October, she loved pink, taught me how to crochet, and made raggedy Ann dolls for years. She made Jonathan a hand-stitched baby quilt when he was born. My Granddaddy (Jonathan's Great-grandfather) loved to rebuild model A Fords and work in his yard, he was a woodworker too. He had a devilish sense of humor, and taught me how to swim and dive. Mark's Grandma was a strong Christian who loved her family above everything and spoke her mind, she was sincere and good-hearted. Mark's grandpa who died today is the reason Mark's mother's family became Christians. He's isn't related to us by blood, but he brought Mark's grandfather to Christ when Mark's mom was still a little girl, so he is part of the family. And the loss that still hurts the most, is my Mima, who died a year ago yesterday. There are no words that can say how much I miss her and wish she could be here with us as Jonathan grows up. Every time we loose someone it brings up the hurt of loosing all the others.

I hate funerals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...but what a wonderful family reunion we will have someday. In the mean time, don't we have some of the sweetest, precious memories! I hope someday, someone, maybe Jonathan, will have these kind of memories of me...to enjoy and pass on to his grandchildren.