Monday, June 1, 2009

Words invented by Toddlers

Difflicated (Dif-fli-ca-ted)--mixed up.

As in: "I need mac and cheese, I'm all difflicated."

Undifflicate (Un-dif-flic-ate)--getting mac and cheese.

As in: "Mommy, I need mac and cheese to undifflictate me."

These are words used by Jonathan today. When I asked where he heard them, he told me he made them up by squishing daddy's shoes (he was wearing Mark's shoes at the time). He was very serious about his new words, although I'm not sure "serious" is the best word to use since Jonathan has redefined it too:

Serious (seer-ee-us)--Mad

As in: "Mommy, time-outs make me serious!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Mommy Job

Jonathan is three years old now and he talks all the time. He understands pretty much everything we say, so s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g is a regular form of adult communication. He corrects us if we use "bad" words, most commonly "crap," but sometimes I get corrected on other things that I was unaware were impolite.

He dropped an apple slice on the ground while snacking, and I asked him to pick it up and throw it away. He picked it up and handed it to me saying, "Here, Mommy, it's icky and will get me all icky-dirty. That's why it's a Mommy job." While I was silently laughing at this he turned around and very seriously told me, "And I tooted. I toot-toot tooted." So, this is what raising a little boy is like.